


The 文理学院 offers a scholarly travel grant program to provide additional support for faculty international scholarly travel and for faculty-student scholarly travel.  It is one of the strategies Dean Hughes has implemented to advance academic distinction in the 文理学院, 为圣玛丽战略计划的第一个目标服务.  The program is funded through the 苍井空 Dean's Fund for Academic Distinction.  If you are interested in supporting this program and other initiatives to advance academic distinction in the liberal arts, 请考虑投稿 院长学术卓越基金. 

The grant program makes awards of up to $1,000 toward scholarly travel costs.  关于授予的补助金的信息包括在下面.



凯茜Davalos, with undergraduate students Catalina O’Connor and Micah Sallid and graduate student Hailey Yaffee, 在激进的爱的行为表演:一个舞蹈的节日, 帕尼卡莱的音乐和诗歌, 翁布里亚, 意大利, 2018年7月.

达纳·劳顿 与她的公司一起受到曼谷国际学校的邀请, 戴娜·劳顿跳舞, where she conducted workshops with students of the school and culminated in two performances at the International School of Bangkok Chevron Theater in August 2018. 

迷迭香格雷厄姆 undertaking a 3-week writing residency at the Tyrone Guthrie Centre in County Monaghan, 爱尔兰, 2018年7月, 继续写她的小说, “简单的爱尔兰语课程.” $500. 

Lysley Tenorio 前往意大利的Bogliasco基金会, 在那里他获得了一个月的奖学金来写他的第三本书. The Bogliasco Fellowship is awarded to distinguished artists and scholars who have made significant contributions in their fields.

Aeleah Soine 君主政体与现代性, a conference at the University of Cambridge to present her paper "Modern Princesses at Work: Examining Women’s Subjectivity and Agency in 19th-century Anglo-German Monarchies."

Velina Brackebusch B.C., to attend the North American Society of Sport Sociology annual conference, where she presented her paper titled "Using Data Visualization in Sport for Social Change Nonprofit Management" from Oct.31-Nov. 3rd, 2018.

Dana Herrera and Anthropology and Economics student Naa Kordai Addy conducted research on combining anthropology and economics to address questions of
非洲大陆的发展. Naa Kordai Addy is presenting her findings at the 2019 Human Development Conference, which is sponsored by the Kellogg Institute for International Studies at the University of Notre Dame.

伊丽莎白·哈姆 以及积分学生莱恩·科菲尔德 attending the Fourteenth Biennial 历史 of Astronomy Workshop at the University of Notre Dame in Indiana in June, 2019. The research presented at this conference covers a large time span and is presented by graduate students, 以及科学史领域的知名十大网赌平台.



杰西卡·科先生 (TRS)他展示了一项关于“喜剧、悲剧还是荣耀”的研究?  Another Christian Story of Suffering and Salvation” at Urshaw College at Durham University, UK, 1月8 - 10, 2018. $1,000.

布伦达希尔曼 (ENG), member of the first delegation of US poets to Cuba since the revolution. 2017年7月8日至16日. $1,000.

利诺里维拉 (PERFA), Piano Adjudicator at the International Music Competitions at 香港 学校 Music and Speech Association, 香港, 2 - 2018. $1,000.

玛丽亚·路易莎·鲁伊斯 (WLC), presenting research on Novelas and Telenovelas and La Reina del Sur at 4th Congreso Internacional in Cuernavaca, 墨西哥, 8月3 - 4日, 2017. $1,000.

Lysley Tenorio (ENG), 访问ing Writer at Yale/National University Singapore, March 11-18, 2018. $1,000.

约瑟夫·德雷克斯勒-德雷斯(TRS), 和学生Symone Williams, 科林哈里斯, 萨凡纳·威廉姆斯, presenting research (a student panel) on US indigenous theology at the AARWR (western region), 在佛教研究所工作, 加州大学伯克利分校, CA, 即将于3月23日至25日, 2018.  $430.

罗恩Ahnen (POL), 与学生一起工作 Ablavi Alagno. Ablavi presented her research on Development in China at the undergraduate student Human Development Conference at the University of Notre Dame, 2月23 - 24日, 2018. $1,000.

今村真子(COM) presenting a paper in the Intercultural Communication Division and participating in a panel as a facilitator in the Intergroup Communication Division at the International Communication Association’s annual conference in Prague, 2018年5月捷克共和国.  $1,000.

罗宾·邓恩(英国), presenting research at the I’Association pour la Recherche sur I’Intervention en Sport, 在里尔举行的国际体育大会, 2018年6月法国.  $1,000.



罗恩Ahnen (副教授, Politics) is traveling with four Politics students to participate in the Sacramento Legislative Seminar.

Manisha Anantharaman (司法及社会学系助理教授 & 领导) is presenting at the 3rd International Conference of the Global Research Forum on Sustainable Production and Consumption, 在苏塞克斯大学举行, UK.  Her panel session is titled "Circular Economy Curricula:  Innovations in Sustainable Consumption Teaching."

Costanza Dopfel 世界语言教授 & 文化s and Art + Art 历史) is presenting on the iconography of birth at an interdisciplinary conference on Pregnancy & 意大利博洛尼亚的分娩.  她也是这次会议的组织者之一.

丽贝卡·恩格尔 (教授, 表演艺术)与14名戏剧专业的学生一起旅行, 通过随机选择, been invited to participate in the Irene Ryan National Acting Scholarship competition in Denver, CO.  Three SMC teams (of out 250 competing in the ten-state region) went on to advance to the semi-finals.

迷迭香格雷厄姆 (教授, English) is taking up a writing residency at Tyrone Guthrie Centre in 爱尔兰 to work on her historical novel manuscript, “简单的爱尔兰语课程."

特丽莎·克莱默 (主管, Center for Writing Across the Curriculum) is presenting research with students at the Crossings writing conference in Reno, NV.  他们将在三个展板上进行展示:“这到底是谁的作品? 写作中心的合作与知识产权," "Building Codes: Scaffolding Writing Through Interdisciplinary Engagement,和《十大网赌平台》."

海尔格Lenart-Cheng (世界语言系副教授 & 文化s) is presenting a paper titled "Mapping Our Spaces by Mapping Our Stories" at the International Auto/Biography Association (IABA) 欧洲 Conference: Life Writing, 欧洲, 与新媒体.

莫莉Metherd (副教授, English) will present at the American Comparative Literature Association, 在荷兰乌得勒支大学举行. She is presenting a paper titled "The Latina/o Author as Transnational Intellectual" as part of a panel titled "The Globalization of U.S. Latino/Latin American Literatures and the Latino/Latino American Novelization of the Global."

辛西娅·范·吉尔德 (人类学副教授 Dana Herrera (人类学副教授)将在 建筑与旅游 会议在巴黎索邦大学举行.  Their presentation is titled "(Re)Presenting Paradise: The Hawaiian Imaginary in Las Vegas."

迪安娜Zibello (表演艺术助理教授)与学生一起工作 约旦兰皮 浅谈风景园林设计 第十二夜约旦将在联合国大会上提交这份报告.S. 戏剧技术研究所(USITT)在圣. 路易.